What to Eat After Your Dental Implant Procedure
Dental implants are specialized screws planted in the jawbone to anchor artificial teeth. Because of the firm bond between the bone and the titanium screws, these implants make the artificial teeth attached to them extremely strong.
Like some other dental treatments, though, there can be some downtime after getting your implants. You may need a few months before the jaw bone heals sufficiently for the artificial teeth to be placed. During that time, you will need to be especially attentive to dental hygiene.
In the first few weeks, it’s important to be mindful about what you eat!
What to Eat After You Receive Dental Implants: A Primer
In the first two weeks after an implant procedure, it’s crucial to make sure you don’t put too much pressure on your teeth and jaw. For most people, this means making some temporary diet changes.
Let’s run through them:
Follow Your Dentist’s Advice
After an implant, you’ll have several follow-up appointments with your dentist. This may include x-rays and other tests to check up on your healing. It’s always a good idea to listen to your dentist, but in this case, be extra sure to ask questions and double-check anything that isn’t clear.
Avoid Tough Foods Completely
Anything that requires you to bite down hard should be avoided. That includes things like corn on the cob, apples and ribs. Even when you are eating more tender food, switch to the side of your mouth opposite the implant whenever possible to avoid pressuring your jaw.
Stick to Soft Foods for Your Early Meals
Softer foods like yogurt, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese and low-sugar fruits are ideal for your first meals following surgery. For a few days after the procedure, there’s bound to be some swelling, so avoid extreme temperatures in whatever beverages you choose.
Avoid Acidic and Sugary Foods at First
Acidic foods can temporarily soften tooth enamel – and, of course, sugar is the worst enemy of healthy teeth. By avoiding these items for the first week, you’ll cut down on the number of times you’ll need to brush in a given day, making pain and discomfort less likely.
Don’t Forget About Soups
Soups and liquid meal replacements are ideal for the early days after surgery. Even stews with tender vegetables and meat can be appropriate. Just remember not to enjoy them piping hot until your mouth and jaw have had some time to recover.
Soft Touch Dental
At Soft Touch Dental, we understand that getting dental implants can mean tricky adjustments at first. We provide top-quality service in a caring, professional environment headed by leading San Diego dentist Dr. Ali Fakhimi. To learn more, please contact us today.
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